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Bronze-Age Monsters

Jun 18, 2022

We end the John Jameson Man-Wolf saga with a countdown of our (and listeners') favorite covers, moments, villains, and issues! We talk in greater detail about S04 and beyond.
We'll be back in a month with more Jack Russell Werewolf by Night fun.

Jun 11, 2022

Wow. What a long strange trip it's been. It all started with a little stone souvenir secreted in a space suit and ended with a living barbarian deity saving a whole fantasy world.
This is the end of our time with John Jameson's and the godstone. Chedck out our season finale next episode and send in your top 3 votes,...

Jun 4, 2022

If you thought the last issue in the Star-God saga was a wacky one, wait till your noodle gets a load of this acid-damaged cosmic weirdness. Turn on your blacklight!

Check out Michelle on Instagram @MoonlitComics and YouTube