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Bronze-Age Monsters

Apr 29, 2022

When last we saw the Man-Wolf, he was being medevacked to S.H.I.E.L.D. to be cared for by their top doctors after a run-in w/ Spider-Man.
Months later, he's in another facility in NYC when he receives a belated visit from his father, J. Jonah Jameson.
We present this dramatic reading for your amusement...

Apr 23, 2022

Portland artist Greg Bigoni (@dollartaconite) joins us for the cartoonish conclusion to this 2-part tale, as Man-Wolf crushes on Agent Klimmer and The Monster Maker tries to scrap Spidey & Frank for super-monster parts.

Apr 16, 2022

Spidey is zapped in NYC and wakes up strapped to a table in a Balkan castle with a very familiar monster next to him. The Monster Maker Baron Ludwig von Shtupf has a sinister plan for these fellas straight out of a Poverty Row horror flick.

Apr 9, 2022

Arisen Tyrk has dragged Kristine to the Other Realm for a final showdown with the the Man-Wolf, but the man is a slavering beast no more, he is now the incredibly powerful Star-God!

Apr 2, 2022

We're joined by comics writer Joe Keatinge (Shutter, Marvel Knights: Hulk, Ringside) to talk about Man-Wolf's ascension to godhood in the Other Realm, a world beyond imagination. RIYL: Hawkwind, van murals, cosmic awesomeness.