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Bronze-Age Monsters

Dec 26, 2020

Our Freaky Friday body-swap tale continues, as The Werewolf fights step-dad Phillip, who's trapped in the monstrous body of the son of Taboo. Phew! They oughtta sell programs (can't tell your Taboos from your Topazes without a program). Also, Taboo's master plan is revealed (just like Wu Tang, it's C.R.E.A.M.)
Plus: Two...

Dec 19, 2020

Behold the strange sorcerer pulling The Committee's strings: Taboo! He wants to talk to the Werewolf about a certain Book of Sins he claims was stolen from him...with him is his familiar, the mystical and beguiling Topaz!

Dec 12, 2020

Buck finds out The Beast is his very own buddy Jack. The Committee takes a shot at nabbing our favorite werewolf. The Hangman yells a lot about innocence and justice with wolf at the door.

Plus: The WbN Drinking Game! Ginger Snaps! Adventureman! The Mighty Crusaders...

Dec 5, 2020

Jack quits couch surfing at Buck's & moves into a swinging singles apartment building where he promptly turns into a monster. Meanwhile, the Hangman protects women from criminal scum permanent-like. He, Jack, and Lissa are on a collision course with chauvinist, violent wackiness.

With director Brad Elmore (The...