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Bronze-Age Monsters

May 28, 2022

Man-Wolf disappeared while confronting his father and Spider-Man and pops up 2 years later after a wild cosmic journey that puts The Martian and Castaway to shame. The Other Realmites seek out a new path to Earth to seek urgently needed help.

May 21, 2022

Our mystery villain is revealed and we learn the reason for his murderous vendetta against Spidey & JJJ. Is a juiced-up and roided-out Man-Wolf too much for our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man to handle? (Spoilers: pretty much...yeah)

May 14, 2022

The plot to use John Jameson as a weapon is advanced and reveals that the mystery villain has a hate-on for both Spidey & J. Jonah Jameson. Who's pulling the Man-Wolf's strings?

May 7, 2022

A pack of rent-a-goons use the cover of a power outage to steal the cryo-tube containing our hero, John Jameson. Who ordered this Man-Wolf snatching? What's their plan?!?

It's Embarrassing to Die: The Immortalist Story -